
1. **暖胃作用**:姜具有温中散寒的作用,可以缓解胃寒、胃痛等症状。

2. **促进消化**:姜醋泡制可以增强胃液的分泌,帮助消化,改善食欲。

3. **抗菌消炎**:姜具有抗菌消炎的作用,醋也有一定的抑菌效果,可以增强人体的抵抗力。


4. **缓解感冒症状**:姜醋泡制有助于发汗解表,对于感冒初期的头痛、身痛有一定的缓解作用。

5. **促进血液循环**:姜醋泡制可以帮助扩张血管,促进血液循环,对改善手脚冰凉等症状有一定帮助。

6. **美容养颜**:醋可以软化皮肤,帮助去除角质,姜可以促进新陈代谢,两者结合有助于美容养颜。

7. **减肥瘦身**:姜醋泡制有助于提高新陈代谢,减少体内脂肪的积累,对于减肥有一定的辅助作用。

8. **预防心血管疾病**:姜醋泡制有助于降低血脂、血压,对预防心血管疾病有一定的帮助。


– 肝炎、肝硬化患者
– 患有胃溃疡、十二指肠溃疡等胃病的人
– 对姜或醋过敏的人
– 孕妇和哺乳期妇女



1. **治疗急性传染性肝炎**:菌陈对于急性传染性肝炎有显著的疗效,能够帮助缓解病情。

2. **利胆退黄**:菌陈具有利胆作用,能促进胆汁分泌,有助于治疗因胆汁淤积引起的黄疸症状。

3. **抗菌消炎**:菌陈含有多种有效成分,对葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌、痢疾杆菌等致病菌有抑制作用,可用于治疗相应的感染性疾病。

4. **解热平喘**:菌陈具有解热作用,可以用于治疗慢性气管炎等疾病,有助于缓解发热和哮喘症状。

5. **防止巨幼细胞性贫血**:菌陈含有叶酸,有助于预防因叶酸缺乏引起的巨幼细胞性贫血。

6. **驱虫作用**:菌陈对蛔虫具有一定的麻醉作用,可以用于驱除人体内的蛔虫。

7. **增强免疫力**:菌陈中的某些成分可以增强人体免疫力,提高抵抗力。


8. **抑制肿瘤细胞生长**:研究表明,菌陈具有一定的抑制肿瘤细胞生长的作用。

9. **减轻化疗和放疗的毒副作用**:菌陈可以减轻化疗和放疗的毒副作用,改善患者的生存质量。

10. **改善心血管功能**:菌陈具有改善心血管功能的作用,有助于降低动脉粥样硬化的发生率。

11. **抗氧化作用**:菌陈具有一定的抗氧化作用,有助于清除体内的自由基。

12. **清热解毒**:菌陈可以清热解毒,适用于治疗热病、感冒等症状。



1. **补脾养胃**:小米、红枣和莲子都有助于健脾养胃,对于脾胃虚弱、食欲不振的人群有很好的调理作用。

2. **补血补气**:红枣含有丰富的维生素和矿物质,特别是铁和维生素A,能够帮助补血补气,对于气血不足的人群尤其有益。


3. **安神养心**:莲子有养心安神的功效,能够缓解心悸失眠、焦虑等症状,有助于改善睡眠质量。

4. **润燥止渴**:小米和红枣都有一定的润燥作用,适合秋季干燥的气候,可以缓解口干舌燥、皮肤干燥等症状。

5. **滋阴养血**:小米和红枣均有助于滋阴养血,适合产后调养、病后康复以及体质虚弱的人群。

6. **清热解毒**:小米有一定的清热解毒作用,可以帮助身体排除毒素,维持身体健康。

7. **提高免疫力**:小米富含B族维生素和矿物质,有助于增强人体的免疫力。

8. **防癌抗癌**:红枣和莲子都有一定的防癌抗癌功效,可以预防癌症的发生。

9. **降血压**:红枣和莲子有助于降低血压,适合高血压患者食用。

10. **止遗涩精**:莲子具有补肾涩精的作用,对于遗精、滑精等症状有一定的缓解作用。



### 药用价值


1. **温经止痛**:艾草具有温经止痛的功效,常用于治疗虚寒性的腹痛、经痛等症状。
2. **活血通络**:艾草可以活血通络,对于治疗风湿性关节炎、神经痛等有一定疗效。


3. **散寒去湿**:艾草能够散寒去湿,对于缓解因湿寒引起的关节疼痛、腰腿酸痛有显著效果。
4. **止血**:艾草具有止血作用,对于创伤出血有良好的止血效果。
5. **消炎**:艾草具有一定的消炎作用,对于皮肤炎症、湿疹等有一定的治疗作用。
6. **平喘止咳**:艾草可用于治疗哮喘、咳嗽等呼吸系统疾病。
7. **安胎**:艾草有安胎作用,对于孕妇来说,可以用来预防和治疗胎动不安。

### 民间应用
1. **艾灸**:艾草经过加工制成的艾条、艾柱是艾灸的主要材料,艾灸可以治疗多种疾病,如寒湿痹痛、脾胃虚弱等。
2. **驱蚊杀菌**:艾草的香气具有驱蚊虫、杀菌的作用,可以用于驱蚊或制成香囊佩戴。
3. **净化空气**:艾草叶面积较大,吸收二氧化碳的能力强,可以放在室内净化空气。
4. **食品应用**:艾草可以用于制作艾粄、艾米果等传统食品,增加食物的香气和营养价值。


5. **艾草茶、艾草汤、艾草粥**:艾草可制成茶、汤、粥等,有助于增强人体对疾病的抵抗力。

### 其他应用
1. **端午节习俗**:在端午节,人们常用艾草来辟邪,如将艾草悬挂在门口。
2. **艾草泡脚**:艾草泡脚可以祛寒、清除体内湿气、温养经络,对缓解脚气、关节痛等有一定效果。


"Ok, that’s it." Coco looked up and shouted, "Little mourning stops at my door."

"Good le" little grin should way.
Ten minutes later, the military vehicle stagnated and Cocoa pushed the door and went away.
"Slow down, give me a message before you go." Qin Yu asked the probe.
"Good" Coco looked at him with a smile and suddenly said, "Oh, by the way, I asked someone to bring a small gift for your son to put in your office early in the morning."
"Why did you suddenly give me a gift?" Qin Yu winked and asked
"If you want to send it, you can send it." Coco said with a small hand on his back. "If something happens, I’ll go back to you and take a back door. It will be too snobbish to send it now."
"Heheheng" Qin Yu didn’t care "I’ll go and see it someday"
Military vehicles left Cocoa in the courtyard and watched Qin Yu leave for a long time before turning into the villa in the main courtyard alone.
Coco took off his high boots and shouted "I’m back!" "
Yu Jinxun sat cross-legged on the sofa like a fool. "Stop yelling and dad will be at home."
"What about people? Where are all the people? " Cocoa asked 1
"Everyone went to my sister-in-law’s birthday today." Yu Jinxun read smoothly and replied, "Dad went to drink two cups and felt uncomfortable, so we came back first."
"What happened to him?" Cocoa asked urgently.
"Old spear is still ill. It’s no big deal."
"I’ll go and see" Coco immediately ran to the floor.
Room Yu Wanqing is drinking tea and watching with reading glasses.
Menke probe shouted, "Is manager Yu busy?"
Yu Wanqing looked up and glanced at her. "Oh, it’s a sight for sore eyes. How long has it been since I saw you?"
"Hey hey, aren’t I busy recently?" Coco spat out his tongue and stepped in and asked, "Are you unwell?"
"After drinking a little wine, my heart is a little flustered. It’s nothing." Yu Wanqing stepped in and asked, "Are you leaving again?"
Cocoa looked at his father and nodded slowly. "Well, I’m going to Jiujiang to negotiate."
Yu Wanqing looked at her and sighed, "Hey, when can you live by yourself?"
"Dad, why are you here again?" Coco Diane came to her father with a slight frown and held his shoulder for him. "Isn’t it good for us to be busy at home?"
"We are all fine at home now, but you are worrying," Yu Wanqing said in a low voice. "I don’t know if I can see you have a landing before I die."
"I finally came back once. Can we talk about snacks?" Cocoa squint asked.
Yu Wanqing closed his eyes. "You are still young. You don’t understand that I am very happy when I am my age."
"Then I’m very happy." Coco stared at his father’s cheek and suddenly found that he might have been too busy in recent years. It seems that he never looked at him carefully. Now he has gray temples and wrinkled face. He is really old. "Dad, I’ll boil some water for you. You bubble your feet. I have nothing to do today. I’ll talk to you for a while."
Yu Wanqing was dazed. "It seems that I haven’t talked to you for a long time."
"Wait for me to boil water for you!" Cocoa rolled up his sleeves and rushed to the door with great care.
Night talk
At half past one the next morning, Coco Lin Chengdong and other two dozen people rushed to Jiujiang.
After about an hour, Qin Yu went to the autonomous general meeting class and saw a beautifully packaged gift box at his desk.
He smiled and found out carefully that it was a mountain in a box.
Chapter 177 Conditions of the other party
Boxed with a beautifully crafted Sichuan House 1; The details of the sand table are so obvious that even the mountains and rivers and lakes are marked, and there is a small island sand table in the right corner at the periphery, which looks very beautiful.
Qin Yu looked at the sand table with his back hand as if he saw real mountains and water. He liked to shout at once, "Little mourning, give me this and put it in the middle of the rack."
Little mourning wowed at the sand table and muttered in my heart, "It’s still my Coco sister who will give gifts and send them to our teachers’ hearts!" No wonder she has a chance to be interviewed alone every day! "

Three black lights chased after the gate and stopped looking sullenly at the outside.

See the battleship outside a dark shuttle is going hand in hand long shuttle porthole a statue of long hair shawl human youth is ourtenant.
When the human youth saw the three men, they laughed loudly. "Three Taoist friends have met for a long time, so it’s better to come and talk."
The three magic people carefully stared at the man, and all kinds of detection methods came together, and soon the opposite situation was detected clearly, but the detection results made the three people indecisive.
In their exploration, there was a young man in the warship opposite, and this man was impressively a true Taoist.
This way, the ant can be crushed to death in front of them, but this person dares to be presumptuous in front of them? There must be some reason for this.
And obviously, the warship that invaded them just now has a great shadow of this person, and they can’t see through that shadow.
The situation of this human youth across the street also makes them feel a little confusing.
"Eldest brother beat him to death and see if he dares to pretend there!" Reckless devil bamboo nostrils spewed hot air, and his face showed anger, waving a sledgehammer and saying
The magic kind of pine smell speech moves in his heart. He just figured out the mystery of the other party by himself, but whether it is so or not, he still has to try to know that maybe the other party is bluffing to cheat them! There are all kinds of craziness in this spiritual world.
If that’s the case, the three of them will not mix up after being frightened by it, and I’m afraid they will be completely laughed at.
On the contrary, even if you try to find out that the other side is stronger than that, you won’t lose anything. If you have done it once, you will win or lose, and you will either kill the other side or be killed by the other side.
Anyway, the other side is like looking for trouble on purpose. Even if the three of them retreat, I’m afraid the other side may not be willing.
Of course, the most important thing is that when did the three demons, the fierce and famous, and the evil and the terrible, shrink back?
"Do it!" The magic seed is loose and low.
"Ow ~ ~ ~"
Next to the magic kind of bamboo, it immediately gave a roar and directly formed a shock wave in the virtual space, hurtling towards the opposite black shuttle.
At the same time, the black hammer in the hand of the magic bamboo suddenly smashed out of Linghua Mountain, generally carrying hundreds of millions of tons of terrorist forces to smash.
Compared with violent power, the earth can directly squeeze out layers of folds to form a strong force. Compared with repressive power, it can directly solidify the virtual space where the black shuttle is located as if it were frozen.
"Ha ha must be so grumpy!"
Opposite the human youth, the wind is light, the clouds are light, and a smile is indifferent to the dark hammer that smashed terror.
He read a strange spell from the point of view.
"Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ….."
"Poof ~ ~ ~"
Just fierce than the magic kind of bamboo, the black hammer was suddenly thrown out of control, and the vision was caught by the other human youth, and the palm-sized black hammer was taken in his hand.
"Second brother!"
"Second brother!"
Magic kind of pine two people exclaim a hand to help the magic kind of bamboo, but it’s hard to protect itself.
They also heard that strange spell, and the magic gas was out of control, and they rioted. A force in the dark took over them, and everything was like a silk thread stretching out from the void and falling on them, turning them into marionettes.
"This is this …"
"Impossible, impossible. Didn’t he, he and they have already been exterminated?"
Magic kind of pine at this time seems to think of what terror than things can’t help but face big black red face unexpectedly presents a feeling as white as paper mouth incoherent exclaimed.
"Eldest brother, what are you talking about?" Although the mind of the magic species is delicate, she is still keenly aware of the abnormal performance of the magic species pine.
The magic seed pine reacted when he heard the question, but instead of answering it, he asked in fear, "Who are you?"

After observing for a while, Yu Guihai looked at the center of the lake, where there was indeed a blue stone tablet with a height of 100 meters.

The stone tablet is engraved with many strange words.
Yu Guihai soon read the text again and a special practice came to mind.
Door Dafa!
The name is funny, and I don’t know who took it, but the effect is good. It is into Haifa Gate of the Dome.
Yu Guihai carefully checked and confirmed that there was such a practice on the stone tablet and there was no other hidden information, so he immediately turned to Sanjiang City.
At this time, those great powers in the fitting period are not forbidden to go in and out. After all, the mysterious grass has not yet been born, and it is impossible to get this treasure without people at this time.
There are quite a few people who have come to observe the situation like him, and many of them just can’t live around.
Yu Guihai returned to Sanjiang City and immediately realized the door solution.
Soon, he realized the course, and when he reached a perfect state, he could easily use this method. He entered the dome sea at a certain distance and came out at the entrance position.
However, this kind of entry distance will not be too far, and it may be more than a thousand miles, but it will not exceed Wan Li. This is of course uneasy.
Moreover, this kind of entry is still so many worlds in the random dome sea, and he is not sure to enter the mysterious world of grass and grass
"This thing is hopeless!"
Yu Guihai shook his head and was going to give up.
He suddenly found that the interface door solution can add a little deduction, and it needs to be upgraded a lot. There are more than seventy points.
Yu Guihai immediately became interested. "What will happen after this practice is promoted? Extended access distance? "
He thought about it. Anyway, now he doesn’t move his bowels at the promotion point and decides to deduce this method. What if he guessed it right?
More than two months passed by, and Yu Guihai sat in the secret room and looked excited.
After the deduction of the door solution, the effect is stronger than his guess
After deduction, he can not only extend the distance of entry and exit, but also freely choose to enter and exit the bubble world.
That is to say, he needs to sit quietly in the secret room of the abode of fairies and immortals, and then he can quietly enter the dome sea to get back the mysterious leaf grass.
This is really boring and making a fortune!
I’m afraid it’s unexpected that someone will hang up like this and play tricks on their department!
During this period, the hottest topic in Sanjiang City is the matter of mysterious day and grass.
This made Yu Guihai ten words. It didn’t take him long to get the news, but the street was already rotten.
The main reason is that those great powers in the fitting period actually offered a huge reward to call on the strong in the city to go. Once someone gets the mysterious leaf grass and presents it, they will get a generous reward.
As soon as this reward came out, it immediately attracted a large number of low-ranking strong people. Their purpose was simple, but they were prepared to take a chance. Once they were lucky, they would give it to a great power to get a rich reward.
However, among them, there are not many strong people in the Daoist realm, and only those who are in the Daoist realm can go there.
In order to avoid someone hiding private things, those who go forward must take the initiative to let Da Neng frisk them and never let them go. As a result, many people in the cultural environment are unwilling. Who doesn’t have some secrets?
The chances of getting treasures are small, the rewards are not attractive enough, and the secrets are revealed. Few strong people are willing to participate in treasure exploration.
I have been wandering around the city since I returned to the sea, which is to create my own alibi. Occasionally, people talk about the mysterious grass and grass, and they also take the initiative to talk about themselves to explore things and analyze the pros and cons, indicating that they are not interested.
In this way, even those who can investigate after the fact can’t doubt his head.
Little by little, it soon came to the birth day of Xuanling Tianye Caocao.
On this day, Sanjiang City almost became a city.
On this day, Yu Guihai sat quietly in the secret room.
Chapter 196 Aikido, Birth, and Treasure Acquisition
Rumble ~ ~ ~ ~
The sky is overcast with clouds and the atmosphere of muffled thunder is very depressing, which seems to portend some kind of ominous!
There is also an atmosphere of terror around the hundreds of miles of dome sea in Fiona Fang, which suppresses the need for a trigger and will erupt into fanaticism
The sky is full of people. These people fly in the sky at different levels. At most, the number of people at the bottom of the sky is virtual. The strong can only enter because of the lowest virtual cultivation in the dome sea.
To the level, the number of people gradually decreases, and the repair gradually increases to the highest point, and there are only a few hundred figures, all of which are powerful and powerful.
These people are all powerful people, and some of them are ordered by the powerful to come here. The strong in other cultures will not come here.
Outsiders of the major powers are naturally not qualified to fly to the dome sea. They are all surrounded by the sea and lined up in numbers far exceeding those of the major powers.

"Gonla Mei Duo, your soul has finally regained its self-awareness. Great, this is really great." Dorje sobbed with joy.

Lin Yang waved at Wu Sangui and Li Zicheng "Let her go".
The negative energy such as resentment and rage in Gunla Mei Duo’s soul has been purified. There is no need to bind her again.
But Gunla Mei Duo can play, but Dorje can’t.
This guy’s thinking has got into a dead end, and there are some abnormal thoughts. Lin Yangke is not sure if he will do anything drastic after he is free from bondage. Although he is not afraid of Dorje, he is not the only one in this conference room except Ming Xi and Zhang Shaojie.
Wu Sangui and Li Zicheng qi qi shook hands and took two steps back.
The chain tied to Gangla Mei Duo changed back to two combat knives.
Wu Sangui and Li Zicheng, who took the combating Dao, retreated behind Lin Yang, guarding him like close-fitting attendants.
Although the bondage of Gonla Mei Duo was released, the two famous men in history did not let their guard down. Their hands were always on the handle, and their eyes kept on Gonla Mei Duo and Dorje, aiming to see what abnormal situation this man and ghost showed. They would immediately start work.
Gunla Mei Duo said, "I was not unconscious before Brother Dorje, but my consciousness was blocked by negative energy such as resentment, rage and blood, which made me unable to speak or control my soul, but I saw everything you and I did." "I would do more if I could revive you," Dorje said with a smile.
It is incredible that he has lost his fierceness and violent gentleness in front of his sister.
"It’s a pity that you made a mistake." Gunla Mei Duo walked slowly to Dorje. "As the mage said, your mistake is very outrageous."
Dorje startled one leng "wrong? How could I be wrong about this method of bringing you back to life? But Professor Dorothy the Apostle of Bodhisattva gave me Gonla Mei Duo. Don’t believe what this man said. He is lying to you, just like the scum who played with your body and feelings before. Now your skin and soul have consumed the blood of 47 people. If you want to kill 34 more people, you will be able to come back to life … "
"Brother Dorje"
Two lines of clear tears flowed out from Gangla Mei Duo’s eyes.
Seeing this, everyone in the meeting room was shocked except Lin Yang, including Dorje.
"It turns out that ghosts also cry ….." The words flashed in the hearts of all people.
"Why are you crying? Is there something I have upset you? You don’t cry, don’t cry … "Gonla Mei Duo’s tears made Dorje panic immediately. If it wasn’t for Liu Xiying’s hair, he was afraid that he would have rushed to take Gonla Mei Duo into his arms and take care of it.
Gangla Mei Duo shook her head and cried, "It’s not that you make me unhappy. I’m hating myself. It’s all my fault that my former kind and simple Dorje brother turned into me now. You killed 47 koo people and killed me. Your hands were covered with blood and you went astray …"
"circuit? How can this be a detour? These are all instructions from Bodhisattva Doro. "Even at this moment, Dorje is still a stubborn attitude."
"How can Doro Bodhisattva be merciful and instruct you to kill Koo people? Brother Dorje, you were deceived by evil spirits. "
As soon as Gunla Mei Duo’s voice fell on Chen Yuanyuan’s figure, he returned to the meeting room and threw the thing in his hand to the ground to take over the topic. "Evil spirits are not just a monster?"
In curiosity drove all qi qi bowed their heads and looked at the Chen Yuanyuan threw it to the ground.
Furry body, long ears, three lips and four short legs, a round short tail …
How does this monster look familiar?
"This cargo is not a rabbit? How can it be a monster? " Zhou Liang exclaimed with a surprised face. When he said these words, he licked his lips involuntarily. I don’t know whether he remembered the rabbit dipped in water or the spiced rabbit meat.
I didn’t expect that this sentence of Zhou Liang actually angered the rabbit.
It immediately jumped up and spat angrily, "You’re the rabbit. Your family is rabbits. I’m the messenger of Doro Bodhisattva, who is it?" That’s Avalokitesvara. Have you seen The Journey to the West? Guanyin bodhisattva often holds the white rabbit in her arms … "
The rabbit can not only talk, but also talk a lot.
Although I know it is a queer, because it looks so cute and hurts people and animals, all the students have no fear of it. After listening to what it said, everyone didn’t give birth to any awe. They were full of surprise and curiosity, muttering, "This rabbit can talk. It’s really a queer."
"Isn’t avalokitesvara holding a rabbit in her arms a rabbit? Oh … No, it’s a rabbit essence. ""Oh, no, how can I remember that The Journey to the West’s film is holding a rabbit instead of a Guanyin bodhisattva? "
There are so many people in the meeting room who believe this rabbit’s words and help it wave the flag and shout, "How dare you slander the messenger of Bodhisattva Dorota as a rabbit? You blasphemers will be punished. The anger of Bodhisattva Dorota will burn you all to ashes."
The words "Yes" did not make the rabbit blush, but made it stand up and pose a posture of overlooking all beings.
It’s a pity that it’s so small that it’s no different from an ordinary rabbit. Such a gesture of overlooking all beings will not shock people, but it will make people feel funny and funny.
"Listen, you stupid mortals want you to kneel down in front of me and worship me, so I can forgive your crimes …" The rabbit said with a dark red eye pupil, and a rare light flashed inside.
Everyone who saw its eyes had a confused look on his face.
Lin Yang was keenly aware of this abnormal situation.
This rabbit’s eyes actually contain a strange ability that makes people believe it involuntarily after seeing it … No wonder Dorje will be dead set on treating it as the messenger of Doro Bodhisattva.
Lin Yang waved and threw out a thunder symbol. Several ferocious thunder dragons immediately appeared coiled around the rabbit and sent out a shocking thunder.
"if you don’t want to die, don’t play games with me."
Lin Yang’s tone is extremely cold and there is a new murderous look.
The rabbit was frightened by the thunder caused by the thunder operator, and the rare red light in its eyes suddenly disappeared. After making sure that its special ability had no effect on Lin Yang, it could not be reconciled. "You are abusing small animals. Wait, I will definitely sue you at the Animal Protection Association."
Well, this rabbit is really advancing with the times, and I can’t believe that the Animal Protection Association …
It’s this animal protection association that protects small animals. When did it expand the industry of protecting monsters?
Lin Yang ignored the rabbit and bowed his hand to Chen Yuanyuan, who was floating in the middle school. "Chen Dagua is bothering you."
Chen Yuanyuan nodded his head, and a white jade pipa immediately appeared in her arms. Fingers fluttered the strings and played a melodious and soothing pipa.

"Land is a flat peach. Take good care of this land in the future and go!"

After thinking for a long time, I took out a 3,000-year-old flat peach and handed it to this land to let it go.
"Flat peach? Thank you, fairy, thank you! "
Seeing Gao Cai handed me the flat peach land, I suddenly got excited and took the flat peach and quickly returned to the land temple.
"Brother Yanchang, I’m going to Phoenix Ridge to rescue Aquilaria sinensis from this hundred-legged worm, and don’t worry about waiting!"
I got up and said that I was ready to go to Phoenix Ridge to rescue this agarwood. At this time, Gao Cai was also vaguely white. This millipede should have detected the agarwood body aura and wanted to devour agarwood to practice this time, which also happened to catch up with the gap between himself and the roaring dog.
Said Gao Cai also ignored the surprise inexplicable liu village villagers in the hands of a little day Jinqiao jin hong instantaneous fly out towards the Phoenix Ridge.
Chapter four hundred and sixty agarwood
A talented person looks at a huge mountain in vain, and the whole mountain is like a phoenix falling down.
In the position of Fengtou, a huge temple is hidden in the clouds, occasionally revealing a golden corner. One by one, the taxiing monsters are shuttling with some believers.
At the foot of the mountain, there are several ordinary people who follow suit and worship at the huge temples, moving slowly and shuttling back and forth.
Looking at this huge temple, it’s cold and awkward, and its shape is shocked. An ordinary person falls at the foot of the mountain and makes a pilgrimage to the temple.
Follow this huge team directly to the front of the huge temple. The whole temple covers an area of more than ten miles and presents a golden temple door plaque with the words "Three Birds of Golden Wheel Temple".
The huge belief power enveloped the whole temple, and was absorbed by a force bit by bit. Looking at this huge temple, I was able to move my mind to sense the position of agarwood.
Through the interference of layers of faith, Gao Cai slowly sensed the position of agarwood while walking towards the depths of the temple. After a while, Gao Cai sensed a faint breath.
When you look happy, your eyes are fixed on the huge statue in the hall. This statue is a statue wearing a golden robe with a golden round wheel hanging behind its head. Poor faith is poured into the statue and transformed into divine power bit by bit.
"You mortal dare to look directly at the Great God and not kneel down to atone!"
When Gao Cai stared at the statue, the believers in the hall immediately drank and the taxiing monsters also scolded before.
In the face of these people, Gao Cai coldly glanced at his body and turned into a light to drill into the golden statue of the hall, and then turned upside down before he reappeared in the hall. It is this hall where there are no believers swinging, not faith but great power.
After sweeping this hall, Gao Cai’s heart was slightly praised. The caution and scheming of the Golden Wheel French King actually created an identical Golden Wheel Temple among the statues.
Eyes swept away slightly. In this divine power, a Taoist priest in a golden robe crossed his legs and sat on his brow. Shaqi surrounded the throughput hall. The divine power was full of breath and blood. Obviously, many killings were contaminated with too many causes and effects.
And next to the golden robe road flyover, a teenager with fine eyes and a pair of swords was staring at the golden robe road flyover with a pair of eyes full of anger.
But the body can’t act, and the only thing it can do is glare.
When Gao Cai came in, the boy’s eyes showed a little surprise, and then his eyes flashed with joy and a little hope. His eyes kept gesturing to Gao Cai that he could save himself.
"agarwood!" This teenager’s identity is self-evident, and he is not wordy. He stretched out his hand and grabbed it directly. He saved Aquilaria first while the Golden Wheel French King was throughput, and then he hurt it during the war.
"Fang Daoyou actually found the residence of being poor, but he didn’t sue and was a thief!"
Just as Gao Cai reached out and grabbed agarwood, King Jinlun suddenly stared at Gao Cai coldly with his eyes open, and there was a hint of sen cold in his tone.
Just after talking about the golden wheel behind the French king, the golden wheel suddenly shook and flew out directly, and the golden sword wheel was cut towards Gao Cai.
See the golden wheel French king took the opportunity to sneak attack Gao Cai coldly, and with a hum, he showed a little disdain. He stretched out his right hand and snapped the golden wheel to hold the five fingers, and the huge qi and blood force poured out. In the click sound, the whole golden wheel was instantly squeezed out of the gap.
"ah! ? How is that possible? My magic weapon? "
Seeing Gao Cai shattering the golden wheel with one hand, the French king of the golden wheel suddenly became frightened and roared, and his voice was mixed with panic and disbelief, which was even more distressing.
This golden wheel is a demon’s magic weapon. It is still a treasure occasionally. It has been carefully sacrificed and refined, and it has also helped itself kill many enemies in its own struggle.
But I didn’t expect to be crushed by a Taoist hand
When I knew the gap between my Taoist priests and my horror, my eyes were even more crazy. This is his Dojo and his practice. I can’t escape or I will hope to practice in the future.
"Do you want to fight back?"
Seeing that King Jinlun was full of violent breath, Gao Cai said simply, but he was too lazy to take care of his hand. A whip of god flew out of his hand and turned into a ray of light, which slammed on the head of King Jinlun.
In a light sound, the golden wheel of the French king was instantly cracked by divine power, and the divine power cast the golden body was also scattered, and the spiritual wisdom was stunned and slowly collapsed to the ground to turn into a golden centipede with a hundred feet.
"It’s a good material for refining!"
Looking at this golden centipede, Gao Cai smiled and showed a little satisfaction. This golden wheel French king is also going to practice to become a real fairy master, and his body has been refined by divine power day and night, which has become a material enough to refine Lingbao.
When it’s time, it’s necessary to completely erase this golden wheel and put it away by Wang Lingzhi.
"Master, please forgive his life!"
At this time, a sound came from Baihua Valley in Daqian State Temple. After this sound appeared, a hundred-legged purple monk flew out and appeared in front of Gao Cai. The purple robe was surrounded by Buddhist treasures such as Vajra, Munianzhu and Jinlian. Obviously, he successfully cultivated the Tao Luohan body from his own treasure bodhisattva.
"You want to save his life?"
Seeing the hundred feet high, I smiled and said that the slight movement in my heart made me understand the cause and effect of the incident. This hundred feet is a purple centipede. It is a pity that the golden wheel is not as qualified as this hundred feet, otherwise it will be a true fairy.
"Let him be your assistant. Since you have practiced Buddhism, you will take the place of this golden wheel French king to accept the incense here and hone yourself!"
Looking at the hundred feet high, I wanted to think and decided to let it take over the golden wheel forces to control this hundred miles.
"Thank you, master. I will practice hard!"
Originally, I wanted to save the golden wheel’s life. When I heard Gao Cai’s words, I was overjoyed and kowtowed.
Will jinlun things after processing Gao Cai eyes looked aside agarwood hands a little to bind it to contact.
This agarwood mother is the Three Virgin, and she has almost accepted that she has become a fairy body at present, which is almost the so-called half-immortal. It is easy to become immortal with the guidance of cultivation.
This kind of qualification makes people jealous, and it is precisely because of this kind of qualification that King Jinlun saw that he wanted to devour him. The fairy spirit is reflected in this agarwood, which is also another kind of Tang monk meat.
However, although this agarwood qualification is kind, it is not enough. I just made an excuse to deal with the Golden Wheel French King. I didn’t put agarwood, but I also secretly observed that he was dissatisfied with the performance of agarwood, but he didn’t have perseverance and perseverance. If you want to take the road of cultivation, you have to go through some hardships.
"Please accept me as a disciple!"
A was bound agarwood suddenly kneel before big request way.
"Do you want to learn the fairy method?"

At this moment, the mind will be recovered from Jinghai, and Qin Changfeng will open his mouth to swallow the prototype of the eternal seal of the word of God, and temporarily stop practicing. At this moment, Shi Hao met him by accident, and there are many things to think about in his heart.

Aside from his own blood, he helped Qin Changfeng to deduce the fu yin. Xiao Mo suddenly said, "God’s characters are printed to deduce the key. I’m not old enough in this imaginary flesh and blood. Can I go out for a walk?"
Qin Changfeng frowned slightly. "Where do you want to go wild again?"
Xiao Mo didn’t bother to argue with him directly. "Don’t you want to know their real situation in Shidi Mountain opposite Jinghai?"
Qin Changfeng muses, "Crossing the waves is an empty space. You are not an empty space. If you stay in it for a long time, you will be bound by the curse of final silence. It will be ominous."
"I didn’t come back before the curse broke out," Xiao Mo said confidently. "You don’t think I’m still in danger because there are two fairy kings behind me, do you?"
It makes sense for Qin Changfeng to think about it. His own goal is too big to be in close contact with Shidi Mountain, while Xiao Mo is different. Now that he knows that she is not many people, he can go to Shidi Mountain instead of him to find out what happened after Shi Hao left the perfect world. What is the most important thing is that it will become a virtual family.
As soon as I read this, I waved my hand like a duck and said, "You can go if you want, but don’t expose yourself or don’t blame me for being above my family."
It’s a joke to be loyal to one’s family, but it’s true to wake up. If people know that the fairy monarch has taken the initiative to go to Shidi Mountain, the trouble will be greater than that caused by Qin Changfeng’s performance of loyalty to one’s family, and this rebellion will be cleared up.
Xiao Mo said with a curl of her mouth, "I don’t know what to say at this time."
"I can know if you don’t tell me."
"Then I’ll tell you. I think Shi Haoqian’s comments on your words are true!"
Qin Changfeng disdains to sneer at "Savage as you know idioms?"
The bickering between the master and the servant is daily, and usually there is a win or lose between them. It is also unclear who won or lost, and Xiao Mo ended up hiding his tracks.
Qin Changfeng meditated for a few days, and then continued to close the deduction. All the experiences in the world made him realize that only strength is the root. Otherwise, any fame and status are just castles in the castle and it will collapse.
This sunrise made the deep jade slave finally return safely to Dubo City and came to see him at the first time.
Nominal servant two people routinely say a few words after the white fairy abrupt temper a diversion "jun now you are the three great kings of the dark department. First, you can set up your own subordinates, including the pro-health guards accompanying the fairy mansion …"
Qin Changfeng heard the words, "What do you suggest?"
Xian Cong laughed, "My master Xuanmiao Pavilion is one of the top ten clans in heaven, and many outstanding brothers are loyal, which is even more problematic. I recommend you to recruit the backbone of your brother from Xuanmiao Sect, so that you can quickly complete the formation of various ministries in the shortest time, which will be of great help to the revenge of Yiqiu Jun."
Qin Changfeng looked at her with a smile on his face. "Are you recommending virtuous people and not avoiding relatives, or are you just pulling gangs?"
"You put emphasis on my concubine, which is cronyism at most." Jade slave has neither fear nor righteous argument, but smiles at Qin Changfeng as usual. It seems that the fairy seems to be somewhat coquetry at this time.
"Then do as you say. I still feel pity for the jade slave fairy …"
Qin Changfeng promised to also have no choice. His foundation in heaven is too shallow. It can be said that not long ago, his brother met, but he turned out to be hostile. So these things can be left to jade slaves.
Of course, the more important reason is that he doesn’t care much about these things. In the final analysis, his own strength is still the most important, otherwise there will be thousands of loyal departments. What can we do?
There are ants in front of the immortal emperor, and they are all gone.
Moreover, the fate of Jade Slave has been tied to Qin Changfeng since the moment when the Emperor refers to it, so she may have selfishness but she will never have infidelity.
But Qin Changfeng didn’t expect him to put it like this, but it also caused a touching drama of joys and sorrows …
Chapter nine hundred and seventy-four Love and hate
Since Qin Changfeng promised Yu Nu to form the backbone of his master, the mysterious disciples, which belongs to the private subordinate of Xianjun House, the whole mysterious disciples soon shook, and a large number of disciples went to cross the waves with various current situations.
A considerable part of them are neglected in the mysterious gate, and those who are frustrated naturally want to get a chance to get ahead by joining the Xianjun.
Of course, there are also many outstanding brothers who want to take this springboard to compete for supremacy in heaven.
Because this is an excellent opportunity, once you become a confidant, you can directly get the high position of celestial immortals. Compared with fighting in the clan, you have less freedom, but you have more hope of success.
Jade slave fairy was a young brother after all even though she was favored by the door master when she was in the mysterious gate. When she met the elders, she still had to salute and greet her. However, now she can’t close the mysterious gate except the fairy king and the bodhi old zu, even if the door master still needs to treat her civilly!
This is the change of status brought about by identity. After all, this heaven is ruled by the top ten clans in heaven. No matter how strong it is, this behemoth can compete. All it can do is try its best to make his brother occupy an important position in heaven.
Of course, all the major doors in heaven give shelter to each other in accordance with heaven, and these doors have also sent talented people to heaven for a long time
Generally speaking, the Jade Slave was appointed by the Emperor of Heaven as the female envoy around the Fairy King, which made an extra statue of the Fairy King in the mysterious gate net not only a pleasant surprise for the whole clan, but also a chance for all the younger brothers.
Among the ordinary brothers who came to the disciples, there were many elite brothers, and many of them had always been good friends with jade slaves. In particular, several female brothers were included in her pro-guard, and she never cheated Qin Changfeng, which was the ultimate.
Almost all the mysterious brothers came with hope and ambition, but it was not the end. Without exception, some people came to Dubo City with a heavy face.
This is a slender young monk with a long face and long sleeves. He can’t say how handsome he is. His appearance and bearing are unparalleled at his age.
In fact, this person is the eldest brother of the mysterious door, and now the younger generation of the whole mysterious door has been practicing for thousands of years, but it has always been a mysterious door. When I saw the wizard for thousands of years, I said that the potential of repairing is still in my younger sister, Yunu, and she is highly expected by her elders. She is the only person who can be a master.
On the moonlit night, the ragged flute jade slave fairy floated out with two famous teachers in the night and came to a remote small lake in the city. The evening breeze blew and the elder brother Yu Linfeng stood in the pavilion in the middle of the lake.
The lake glistened in the moonlight, and the jade slave statue followed the two school sisters who nodded gently. The latter stopped at the lake and then floated to the gazebo in the middle of the lake with a little wave of their feet.
Their silence seems to have a thousand words and seems to be right.
It took a long time for the jade slave to break the peace. A kind of quiet color that has never been shown in front of Qin Changfeng sighed, "Brother, you shouldn’t have come."
Jade Lin Feng Shen said, "Sister, I’ll take you away!"
"Go … where can I go?" Jade slave turned and looked up at the night, the sea and the moon murmured, "Don’t betray you, don’t say the mysterious door, even if the whole heaven put you and me in it, not to mention the consequences of angering the Emperor of Heaven."
Jade jade breeze smell speech eyes flashed a ferocious color after heavy shouted, "the mysterious door who doesn’t know you and I childhood friends are a match made in heaven? Why do they take you away from me with a word? I can’t watch you commit yourself to other men! "
"If you can’t do it, what can you do? Is it to ask the Emperor of Heaven to go back on his word or challenge you to take it instead? This is life, brother. You and I are like insects and ants at night. We can look up at the moon but don’t want to compete for glory. "
I don’t know when the jade slave’s expression is gradually indifferent, like a statue of a fairy who is about to fly and go to Guanghan. Everything has been abandoned.